Older News Posts
September 8, 2015: The semester is in full swing! GRFPs are due early this year, as is my request for sabbatical leave.
August 15, 2015: The semester starts in about a week! I'm co-teaching (with Courtney Jahn) the course that introduces graduate students to each other and graduate school, giving them the tools they need to be successful. It's always fun - the students are fantastic. I still get so excited at the start of each semester. I guess that's part of why I chose this job.
August 9, 2015: I'm off to #ESA100 in Baltimore this week. Come see my talk on Tuesday at 2:30 in room 314. I'll be talking about large-scale research on an invader, revealing that abiotic factors dictate differences between ranges. This is work lead by Rob Colautti (now at Queens U) and Oliver Bossdorf that came out of my NSF Research Coordination Network with Mark Torchin.
July 2015: I'm in the final throes of getting a collaborative grant proposal in to work on incorporating adaptive evolution into predicting species distributions in a future climate-changed world. Our model species for this work is Bromus tectorum. My collaborators bring an awesome set of skills. Fingers crossed.
Grant proposal and paper crunch time in the lab. Plus data - all the data are being collected both in the Tribolium lab and in the greenhouse. Right now.
June 2015: Today I got to visit my younger daughter's former daycare, with specimens from the insect zoo. A few more thoughts on that here.
Hello summer! Today (2 June) Tayeh et al. was published in Nature Communications. Oooh, such a glamor mag. It's really cool - showing that invader life history can evolve toward bet-hedging, rather than a live-fast-die-young approach. It was a really wonderful thing of my colleague Benoit Facon to invite me work with the group.
May 2015: I am at NCORE this week! My attendence came out of my Women in Science seminar and my participation in the faculty institute for inclusive excellence at CSU. The sessions have been remarkable. I'm soaking in being surrounded by the fabulous diversity of the attendees. Here are a few of the things I've have learned.
Had a great visit from Josh Drew. He gave a good talk, including work we're collaborating on with Katie Amantangelo. We also ran the Colorado Half Marathon! I did it in 2:04:28, which was darned good for me.
April 2015: I heard back on the paper submitted to PNAS, and it's gonna get in!! With Brett Melbourne and Marianna Szucs and comapny. Such good good company. I've never seen such a gracious letter from an editor. I think I'll frame it.
Gina Baucom's visit was great. Here talk on Gene Flow, the Mating System, and the Evolution of Herbicide Resistance in Ipomoea purpurea was simply fantastic.
I had such a nice time at University of Wyoming. Thank you Amy Krist for hosting me!
March 2015: We hosted Rick Karban for a Distinguished Ecologist visit. I love his approach to ecology. Dare to be naive.
Kathryn Turner got an NSF Postdoctoral fellowship with me and John McKay She starts in October. Fabulous.
Two papers with colleagues at INRA in France accepted this month! One is going to Biological Invasions, one to Nature Communications. !! exciting.
Ellyn Bitume has joined the lab group, supported by a USDA NIFA postdoctoral fellowship.
February 2015: I was interviewed by a correspondent from Science about a paper on bias in grant proposal reviews. Here's the article. And here is a link to the blurb in Science Careers.
Stacy Endriss, PhD candidate, was awarded a NSF DDIG!!
January 2015: Happy new year everyone, it is grant season and teaching prep. season here in the fort. I'm teaching 3 classes starting Jan 20, and have two proposals and a pre-proposal going in right before and right after. Fun times!
November 2014: Had a great workshop at the Cary Institute on how to run grassroots networks. AND Megan Vahsen turned in a great GRFP. Fingers crossed on that!
August 2014: Szucs et al. 2014 is out in Proc. Roy. Soc. August 2014 Great trip to Asilomar for the Invasion Genetics meeting
Marianna's paper on Tribolium accepted into Proc Roy Soc!! Wooot!
July 2014: FEScUE math/bio students are starting an intensive experiment on genetic rescue.
June 2014: I served on a USDA grant panel. I learned so much!
May 2014: I gave a talk down at University of Denver. What a great group.
February 2014: Marianna Szücs and I went to the USDA ARFI PI meeting held in conjunction with the Weed Science society meetings in Vancouver. Marianna nailed her talk!
January 2014: Had a great visit at University of Toronto.
4 November, 2013: Kathryn Turner's paper on invasions, trade-offs and environmental stress was accepted to New Phytologist! Yippee!
10 October, 2013: Hannah Wilbur's main work from her MS is published! Yay, Hannah. Way to stick with it.
20 August, 2013: Parker et al. paper in Ecology recommended by the Faculty of 1000 Prime!
9 July, 2013: Marianna Szucs and I have been awarded a USDA NIFA grant for 500K, on the role of hybridization in biological control. The proposal was described by the panel as elegant. Wow, way to go Marianna! Thanks much to collaborators Urs Schaffner and Jeff Littlefield!
25 June, 2013: Hufbauer et al. paper in JEB recommended by the Faculty of 1000.
29 April, 2013: Christa Fettig honored with Shepardson Graduate Student Teaching award for her outstanding teaching.
29 April, 2013: Pre-proposal accepted by NSF! Invited to submit a full proposal due Aug. 2.
8 April, 2013: Marianna Szucs was invited to participate in an NSF-sponsored workshop on writing productivity at Mountain Lake Biological Station this coming August.
29 March, 2013: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awarded to Mike Koontz!! Go Mike Go!