Current courses
Ecology - Life 320, every spring - honors sections as well as the regular course. I love teaching this class! It is critical for anyone going into any kind of natural resources field, including anything having to do with plant, animal, and human health. I always throw in as many insect examples as I can!
Foundations of BSPM, BSPM 500 every fall. This is a course for incoming graduate students in BSPM or other programs with faculty from BSPM to help them be successful in grad school, introduce them to each other and the department, and guide them writing their research proposal.
Graduate seminars - ECOL 592, occasionally, varying topics (Plant-Insect Interactions, On the Origin of Species, Natural Selection, Writing)
Fall 2017: Gender and Ethnicity in Science. This is going to be an updated version of the Women in Science seminar mentioned below. I'm really looking forward to expanding my horizons. It will be uncomfortable, I know, but so much worth it.
Spring 2015: Women in Science . I'll be offering this again. I learned so much.
Spring 2014: ECOL 592 Introduction to R - Mike Koontz lead this one, and I sat in and learned.
Previous courses include: Biological Control, Graduate Seminar on Writing, Grad Seminar on Plant-Insect Interactions, contributions to Integrative Pest Management.